Mirno enables clinicians to train more often.
It’s that simple.
Mirno is a early-stage startup founded in Reykjavík Iceland, supported by a team of experienced Pediatricians in Gothenburg, Sweden. We were founded with the mission to make medical training solutions both more accessible and more realistic. Our team has a depth of diverse experience in developing software in Video games, Fintech and Air Traffic Management.
Together with our medical experts, we're making virtual training more human.
Virtual Patients offer accurate and accessible training
Ready whenever and wherever you are
Mirno Virtual Patients
Our solution is virtual patients featuring accurate symptoms and behaviours informed by expert clinicians.
Enabling the creation of dynamic training content around real-time physiological simulation.
A powerful complement to existing training.
Mirno empowers physicians and instructors to create their own cases and training scenarios.
Using Maia, Mirno AI Assistant, simply describe the symptoms the patient should exhibit and they will be added to your scenario.
With Maia, adjusting the intensity of symptoms and vitals to create accurate and life-like virtual patients is easy.
In education, medical study can be unrealistically separated from patients
With Cinemedic, Medical educators can create custom virtual patients for their students
Move beyond slides and textbooks, and learn with accurate symptoms and behaviours
Mirno works with innovative institutions
Mirno Research and Developement is supported by Landspitalí - The National Hospital of Iceland
Mirno are members of CO-AX, the Accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park Gothenburg
Mirno have a research collaboration agreement with The Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering (IBNE) at Reykjavík University
Mirno will provide Cinemedic Pro systems to Gothenburg University in 2025 to support the training of over 200 Medical and Nursing students
We are using Mirno Virtual Patients to supply Halmstad University with virtual e-learning material for use in recognising signs of abuse in children
Mirno have a Cinemedic Pro testbed resident at Hermís, the University of Iceland's medical training facility. We are developing our Virtual Patients with support from the Hermís team.